Reducing Concurrent ftp Sessions in Dreamweaver
by Jeffrey Sward
Recent releases of Dreamweaver seem to be more aggressive when uploading changes to the remote site via ftp. The new Dreamweaver behavior may cause a false positive brute force attack reaction from the hosting site provider. Therefore, it may be necessary to configure a reduced number in ftp connections in Dreamweaver.
  1. Preferences
  2. Site
  3. Manage sites
  4. Select site
  5. Click pencil
  6. Servers
  7. Select server
  8. Click pencil
  9. Under basic expand more options
  10. Uncheck "use ftp performance optimization"
  11. Save and exit preferences
  12. As a last resort, it may be necessary to hard code the maximum Dreamweaver ftp connections in the registry
    1. Command window regedit
    2. => HKEY_CURRENT_USER => Software => Adobe => Dreamweaver active version => Site Preferences => CURL_MULTI_FILES_LIMIT
    3. Set CURL_MULTI_FILES_LIMIT value to 1

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